"No book of style has made a bigger impact this fall than Women in Clothes." - Vogue
A conversation among hundreds of women of all nationalities - famous, anonymous, religious, secular, married, single, young, old - on the subject of clothing, and how the garments they put on every day define and shape their lives. It began with a survey designed to prompt women to think more deeply about their personal style. Here are the results, along with fascinating takes on every possible aspect of clothing, and some great pictures.
>> Interview here.
The Guest Cat by Takashi Hiraide $25.00
A couple in their thirties live in a small rented cottage in a quiet part of Tokyo. They work at home as freelance writers. They no longer have very much to say to one another. One day a cat invites itself into their small kitchen. She is a beautiful creature. She leaves, but the next day comes again, and then again and again. New, small joys accompany the cat; the days have more light and colour. Life suddenly seems to have more promise for the husband and wife, but then something happens that will change everything again.
"A wonderful tale about the desire to possess and the pain of absence. And such writing! Precise, delicate, enchanting." - Atmospheres
Cookbook Book by Florian Bohm and Annahita Kamali $85.00
This is a wonderful book! Reproducing pages from 125 exemplary, beautiful, influential and informative cookbooks from the last 100 years, it is a delight (and quite possibly a gift) for anyone with an interest in cooking, culinary history or book design.
Tramping: A New Zealand history by Shaun Barnett and Chris Maclean $69.99
A fascinating and attractive record of the history of tramping in New Zealand, from the foot-travel of Maori and early European arrivals, through the development of the track and hut network, national parks and the centrality of recreational tramping to the national ethos.
>> Barnett and Maclean will be giving a presentation in the shop on Tuesday 4 November at 6pm. Mark this in your diary now.
Springtime: A ghost story by Michelle de Kretser $18.99
"Picking up her pace, Frances saw a woman in the leaf-hung depths of the garden. She wore a long pink dress and a wide hat, and her skin was a creamy white. There came upon Frances a sensation that sometimes overtook her when she was looking at a painting: space was foreshortened, time stood still."
A Beautifully written novella, exquisitely produced and with delightful colour plates.
Patient: Portraits from a doctor's surgery by Chris Reid $39.99
Patient is a unique photographic collection of portraits taken by a GP of his patients at the end of their consultation. For two years, Dr Chris Reid, who is also a photographer, asked his patients whether they would be happy having their photograph taken. His intention was to capture their personality, not their ‘illness’, and the project evolved into a study of life, people, culture and the spectrum of illness that we and our families all face.
The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan $24.99
Stock has arrived of this superb novel, which has just won the 2014 Man Booker prize. Although it deals with the brutality suffered by POWs building the Thai-Burma Railway under the Japanese in WWII, the book is full of tenderness and hope. Flanagan's writing is pellucid and evocative.
Ella Morris by John David Morley $39.99
Born in Berlin on the eve of Hitler's rise to power, Ella Andrzejewski escapes Soviet-occupied Europe and finds a safe haven in England. Here, she marries George Morris, but subsequently falls in love with Claude de Marsay, a French student ten years her junior. The intrusion of Claude upsets the balance of the Morris household, while the effects of Ella's traumatic past continue to be felt.
A richly textured novel which shows how the individual is indelibly marked by history.
Room: Inside contemporary interiors by Nacho Alegre et al $100.00
100 of the world's best contemporary interior design projects, chosen by 10 leaders in the design world. Warning: You will want to have this book.
Lists of Note compiled by Shaun Usher $69.99
Humans have been making lists for longer than they've been writing letters. Usher has trawled the world's archives to compile this amazing anthology of surviving lists. The list of lists includes:
1. Johnny Cash's kiss list
2. A list of George Washington's slaves
3. A list of things Jonathan Swift intended to remind himself not to do when he reached old age
4. The list of possible names for a red-nosed reindeer from which Rudolph was chosen
5. The scrawled results of atomic bomb testing
Landfall 228: Aotearoa New Zealand arts and letters, Spring 2014
Assorted vital arts and letters, including Diana Bridge's winning essay in the Landfall Essay Competition and local poet Jessica Le Bas.
The Piketty Phenomenon: New Zealand perspectives $15.00
Few books have had the global impact of Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century. This volume collects responses from New Zealand economists and commentators and tests Piketty's ideas against local issues.
Superhouse: Architecture and interiors beyond the everyday by Karen McCartney $95.00
The superhouse has nothing to do with size; instead, it is one that has a strong connection with nature, that goes well beyond the everyday, and that, through the sensitivity of both architect and client, is imbued with mindfulness.
The Incredible Unlikeliness of Being: Evolution and the making of us by Alice Roberts $49.99
Why aren't we mice or fruit flies?
"A masterful account of why our bodies are the way they are." - Guardian
Ko Tautoro te Pito o Toku Ao: A Ngapuhi narrative by Hone Sadler $49.99
Ngapuhi is the largest iwi in New Zealand and has occupied the northern North Island, from Tamaki in the south to Te Rerenga Wairua in the north, from the time of their arrival from Hawaiki. This book is Ngapuhi elder Hone Sadler's powerful account of the origins, history and culture of the Ngapuhi people.
The Establishment, And how they get away with it by Owen Jones $50.00
"Owen Jones displays a powerful combination of cool analysis and fiery anger in this dissection of the profoundly and sickeningly corrupt state that is present-day Britain. He is a fine writer, and this is a truly necessary book." - Philip Pullman
Cat Sense: The feline enigma revealed by John Bradshaw $30.00
"Witty and surprising. Bradshaw has a delight in detail, a talent for dismantling myths, but most importantly an ability to build a coherent and entertaining theory from an apparent contradiction that all cat-lovers will recognise: we seek to understand cats even though it is our lack of understanding that makes us love them." - Herald
"Exceptionally thorough. Bradshaw's concern and love for cats shines through." - Observer
The Compatibility Gene by Daniel M. Davis $29.99
We each possess a similar set of around 25,000 human genes. Yet a tiny, distinctive cluster of these genes plays a disproportionately large part in how our bodies work. These few genes, argues Davis, hold the key to who we are as individuals and our relationship to the world: how we combat disease, how our brains are wired, how attractive we are, even how likely we are to reproduce.
The Peripheral by William Gibson $37.00
Some time around the year 2020,in a trailer park in the Deep South, a young woman witnesses a murder. She is in a video game, and watches with horror as a drone strike kills a child. At precisely the same moment, one hundred years in the future, a boy is remotely killed on the streets of London's great skyscrapers. The perpetrator remains anonymous. Interweaving two strange futures, this is the story of a crime that can only be solved across time. A mind-bending novel from the seminal cyberpunk author.
"This novel is a stand-out." - Publishers' Weekly
Playing to the Gallery: Helping contemporary art in its struggle to be understood by Grayson Perry $45.00
"Punchy, mischievous, hugely entertaining. You could, genuinely, take an aphorism or a quote from every second page. This is splendid, transgressive stuff. Perry seeks to protect the personal in a deeply caustic art world, but in doing so also writes a love letter to art." - The Times
The Gardener's Garden by Toby Musgrave $100.00
Gardens are not defined by size or by location but as places of peace and of retreat, where humans can rejuvenate through contact with growing things. This wonderful book is a collection of gardens of all types and sizes from all around the world, and an inexhaustible treasure for anyone with an interest in plants or garden design.
>> Watch this.
Dolls' Houses from the V&A Museum of Childhood by Halina Pasierbska $39.99
This is not, unfortunately, a catalogue from which these houses can be ordered (but it is the next best thing). Endlessly delightful.
Flora: An artistic voyage through the world of plants by Sandra Knapp $59.99
An irresistible bouquet of botanical art.
Dawn Chorus: The legendary voyage to New Zealand of Aesop, the fabled teller of fables by Ray Ching $59.99
An appealing taradiddle from this skilled artist. A companion volume to his Aesop's Kiwi Fables.
The Ghosts of Heaven by Marcus Sedgwick $29.99
A cleverly interlinked quadruple narrative, which can be read in 24 different ways. The spiral has existed as long as time has existed. It's there when a girl walks through the forest, the moist green air clinging to her skin. There centuries later in a pleasant green dale, hiding the treacherous waters of Golden Beck that take Anna, who they call a witch. There on the other side of the world, where a mad poet watches the waves and knows the horrors they hide, and far into the future as Keir Bowman realises his destiny...
"The four stories in themselves are engrossing and fluently written but what makes this book something special is that, as a whole, it is also a beguiling and philosophical account of human longing and the unknown. A triumph." - Independent
Bird Dream: Adventures at the extremes of human flight by Matt Higgins $37.00
A riveting, adrenaline-fuelled narrative about a group of unforgettable characters wearing wingsuits who risk everything to achieve man's age old dream of flying.
Southern Men: Gay lives in pictures by Chris Brickell $45.00
215 images documenting men's lives, travels, friendships and leisure in New Zealand in the years before gay liberation. Excerpts from letters, diaries and interviews accompany the pictures and provide a record of a community in the making.
Mix It Up! by Herve Tullet $25.00
Follow with eye and finger and learn how colours change when they meet other colours. Lots of fun, and quite simply the best introduction to colour mixing for young children (oh, and adults will love it, too).
Are You Seeing Me? by Darren Groth $25.00
At only nineteen, Justine is the sole carer for her disabled brother. But with Perry having been accepted into an assisted-living residence, their reliance on each other is set to shift. Before they go their separate ways, they're seeking to create the perfect memory, with a road trip through the Pacific Northwest. They each have different expectations.
The Organised Mind: Thinking straight in the age of information overload by Daniel J. Levitin $40.00
Shows how to survive the onslaught by outsourcing your mind's storage functions to the physical world.
Dabbous: The cookbook by Ollie Dabbous $75.00
"This year's most anticipated cookbook, from London's most talked-about restaurant."
Includes 'Mixed alliums in a chilled pine infusion', 'Braised halibut with pink purslane', 'Ripe tomato in its own juice' and 'Elderflower sherbet' and 'Barbecued Iberico pork, savoury acorn praline, radishes and crushed green apple'.
International Night: A father and daughter cook their way around the world by Mark Kurlansky and Talia Kurlansky $37.00
Once a week in the Kurlansky home, Mark spins a globe and wherever his daughter's finger lands becomes the theme of that Friday night's dinner. Their tradition of International Night has afforded Mark an opportunity to share with his daughter, - and now readers - the recipes, stories, and insights he's collected over more than thirty years of traveling the world writing about food, culture, and history.
Six Capitals: The revolution capitalism has to have - Or, Can accountants save the planet? by Jane Gleeson-White $39.99
This is the story of a 21st century revolution being led by the most unlikely of rebels: accountants. It is only the second revolution in accounting since double-entry bookkeeping emerged in medieval Italy - and it is of seismic proportions, driven by the 2008 financial crash and the environmental crisis. The changes it will wreak are profound and far-reaching. They will transform not only the way the world does business but alter the very nature of corporate capitalism.
From the author of Double Entry.
NZ Surf, Captured by a surf lens by Warren Hawke $79.99
A rare record of New Zealand surf and surf culture.
The Curious Bartender: An odyssey of malt, bourbon and rye whiskies by Tristan Stephenson $39.99
A journey through 60 distilleries around the world, exploring their remarkable quirks, unique techniques and flavours, featuring all new location photography from the Scottish Highlands to Tennessee.
Storm by Tim Minchin $37.99
A storm is brewing in the confines of a London dinner party. Small talk quickly descends into a verbal and intellectual battle between science and belief, as comedian Tim goes head to head with the mysterious fifth guest at the table - a new-ager named Storm. In this graphic novel, Tim's ranting beat-poem weaves through a world where alternative medicine is given public funding, psychics have primetime TV exposure and people are happy with mystery rather than answers.
>> Here's a short animated film.
Long Shots: The greatest underdog stories in New Zealand sport by Bronwyn Sell and Christine Sheehy $35.00
The most inspiring sporting stories of Kiwis who have triumphed against all odds.
Archie Green and the Magician's Secret by D.D. Everest $19.99
Archie Green receives a mysterious present on his birthday. Deep within an ancient wooden box he finds an old book, written in a language he doesn't recognise. With the book comes a Special Instruction - Archie must travel to Oxford to return the book to the Museum of Magical Miscellany. Soon Archie will meet family that he never knew he had, and discover the world of the Flame Keepers - a community devoted to finding and preserving magical books.
Organum by Peter Gilmore $135.00
Capturing the essence of world-renowned chef Peter Gilmore's food: nature, texture, intensity, purity.
Moriarty by Anthony Horowitz $37.99
"Thrilling and compelling, with a stunning twist, this is written as if Conan Doyle were at Horowitz's shoulder, and is - in my view - the finest crime novel of the year." - Daily Mail
Latin for Birdwatchers by Roger Lederer $39.99
How did birds get their names and what do these names imply? Endless fascination here.
An Inconvenient Genocide: Who now remembers the Armenians? by Geoffrey Robertson $35.00
One of the most controversial issues left over from the First World War - was there an Armenian Genocide? - comes to a head on 24 April 2015, when Armenians throughout the world commemorate the centenary of the murder of 1.5 million - over half - of their people, at the hands of the Ottoman Turkish government. Turkey continues to deny it ever happened - or if it did, that the killings were justified. This has become a vital international issue. Twenty national parliaments have voted to recognise the genocide, but others do not. Interesting.
Lit Up Inside: Selected lyrics by Van Morrison $35.00
Release the Beast by Romy Sai Zunde and Chinza Merkens $25.00
When children get angry, they release the beast. They aren't the only ones, however.
Midnight in Siberia: A train journey into the heart of Russia by David Greene $40.00
Greene journeys by rail from Moscow to Vladivostok to find out how Russians' lives have changed in the post-Soviet years. He meets a group of singing babushkas from Buranovo, a teenager hawking 'space rocks' from a meteor shower in Chelyabinsk, and activists battling for environmental regulation in the pollution-choked town of Baikalsk. Through their stories and those of other travellers along the line, Greene explores the challenges facing the new Russia-a superpower that boasts of open elections and newfound prosperity, yet continues to endure oppression, corruption and stark inequality.
What Would Jane Do? Quips and wisdom from Jane Austen $22.00
Always handy.
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