The Bookshop Book by Jen Campbell $29.99
A love letter to bookshops. Not just any old bookshops but bookshops in buses, on boats, in barns and in abandoned railway stations, weird bookshops,fold-out bookshops, undercover bookshops, remarkable bookshops (the world’s oldest, the world’s smallest), bookshops you can’t wait to visit and bookshops you won’t want to leave.
From the compiler of the Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops books.
Teak and Tide: The ebbs and eddies of the Edwin Fox by Nigel Costley $60.00
The fascinating history of the last surviving 19th century merchantman sailing ship, from construction on the Ganges to preservation in Picton. The Edwin Fox carried troops to the Crimean War, Chinese coolies to Cuba, convicts to Australia, and immigrants to Nelson.
Hardback available next week: $85.00
Hello Girls and Boys: A New Zealand toy story by David Veart $65.00
A very nicely presented, beautifully illustrated history of toys in New Zealand, from early Maori to modern times. This is a wonderful book, full of social history, information on NZ toy companies such as Fun-Ho and Lincoln, and several lifetimes’ worth of childhood nostalgia!
A very fine survey of the work of this influential New Zealand firm, with excellent photographs, drawings ad text. One of the top architectural books of the year.
Germany: Memories of a nation by Neil MacGregor $60.00
MacGregor argues that, uniquely for any European country, no coherent, over-arching narrative of Germany's history can be constructed, for in Germany both geography and history have always been unstable. He chooses objects from 500 years of history to demonstrate the contradictions and momentum of a culture.
"His method is memory. His way in is through objects and people, places and buildings. MacGregor knows unerringly which objects to select and which chapters of Germany's 'enrichingly and confusingly fragmented history' to bring to life through them. This book is immaculately researched, timely and important." - Independent
The Daily Journal of an Antarctic Explorer, 1956-1958 by Guyon Warren $49.99
Guyon Warren was one of a small group of men who spent 15 consecutive months in the Antarctic in the late 1950s. He helped establish Scott Base, right from the construction of the first hut. However, it is with his explorations out on the ice that he made his greatest contribution. Learning about the experiences he had makes for fascinating reading.
Germany: Memories of a nation by Neil MacGregor $60.00
MacGregor argues that, uniquely for any European country, no coherent, over-arching narrative of Germany's history can be constructed, for in Germany both geography and history have always been unstable. He chooses objects from 500 years of history to demonstrate the contradictions and momentum of a culture.
"His method is memory. His way in is through objects and people, places and buildings. MacGregor knows unerringly which objects to select and which chapters of Germany's 'enrichingly and confusingly fragmented history' to bring to life through them. This book is immaculately researched, timely and important." - Independent
The Daily Journal of an Antarctic Explorer, 1956-1958 by Guyon Warren $49.99
Guyon Warren was one of a small group of men who spent 15 consecutive months in the Antarctic in the late 1950s. He helped establish Scott Base, right from the construction of the first hut. However, it is with his explorations out on the ice that he made his greatest contribution. Learning about the experiences he had makes for fascinating reading.
The Kingdom Revealed by Rob Ryan $45.00
This is a story about a young boy who doesn't want to be King.What he wants, more than anything, is to be normal. One night, he climbs out of his four-poster bed, disappears through a hidden door in the ceiling, creeps down a long-forgotten passageway, opens a small window and leaves behind everything he's ever known...
A lovely book, beautifully illustrated by the paper-cut artist who brought us The Invisible Kingdom.
The Republic of Imagination: A case for fiction by Azar Nafisi $37.99
In her memoir, Reading Lolita in Tehran, Nafisi told how literature can provide a place of enrichment and quiet subversion in an authoritarian society. Her new book makes a passionate case for the power and role of fiction in the modern world.
A Man Lies Dreaming by Lavie Tidhar $38.00
Deep in the heart of history's most infamous concentration camp, a man lies dreaming. His name is Shomer, and before the war he was a pulp fiction author. Now, to escape the brutal reality of life in Auschwitz, Shomer spends his nights imagining another world - a world where a disgraced former dictator now known only as Wolf ekes out a miserable existence as a low-rent PI in London's grimiest streets. An extraordinary story of revenge and redemption.
A Man Lies Dreaming by Lavie Tidhar $38.00
Deep in the heart of history's most infamous concentration camp, a man lies dreaming. His name is Shomer, and before the war he was a pulp fiction author. Now, to escape the brutal reality of life in Auschwitz, Shomer spends his nights imagining another world - a world where a disgraced former dictator now known only as Wolf ekes out a miserable existence as a low-rent PI in London's grimiest streets. An extraordinary story of revenge and redemption.
Witches: James I and the English Witch Hunts by Tracy Borman $29.99
A fascinating book, using the story of two sisters hanged for witchcraft to access a milieu of paranoia, misogyny, superstition and hysteria.
"A tantalising history. A panoramic survey of the witch craze that swept through Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries." - Sunday Times
"A tantalising history. A panoramic survey of the witch craze that swept through Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries." - Sunday Times
Auckland Waterfront: The port in Edwardian times by Roger Morris $59.99
At the beginning of the last century Auckland was a thriving port, and her waterfront was no less vibrant than it is today. This is a collection of paintings illustrating the port in those years, supported with archival photographs and historical comment.
I Refuse by Per Petterson $34.99
The humane and moving new novel by the prize-winning author of Out Stealing Horses.
Brave Genius: A scientist, a philosopher, and their daring adventures from the French Resistance to the Nobel Prize by Sean B. Carroll $35.00
A remarkably interesting book, examining how war and friendship can catalyse genius. Both aspiring writer Albert Camus and budding scientist Jacques Monod joined the Resistance during WWII, and after they met, their friendship deepened their pursuit of their chosen fields. An insightful double portrait.
At the beginning of the last century Auckland was a thriving port, and her waterfront was no less vibrant than it is today. This is a collection of paintings illustrating the port in those years, supported with archival photographs and historical comment.
I Refuse by Per Petterson $34.99
The humane and moving new novel by the prize-winning author of Out Stealing Horses.
Brave Genius: A scientist, a philosopher, and their daring adventures from the French Resistance to the Nobel Prize by Sean B. Carroll $35.00
A remarkably interesting book, examining how war and friendship can catalyse genius. Both aspiring writer Albert Camus and budding scientist Jacques Monod joined the Resistance during WWII, and after they met, their friendship deepened their pursuit of their chosen fields. An insightful double portrait.
A Woman's Shed: Spaces for women to create, write, make music, think, grow and escape by Gill Heriz $44.99
should men have all the sheds? Last year I had one built in a garden corner,
but I wish I had seen this book first!
80 artists, sculptors, writers, farmers, furniture-makers and gardeners
have opened their sheds and it's just magical. A real treasure!" - Jan
The Longest Afternoon: The 400 men who decided the Battle of Waterloo by Brendan Simms $37.00
A minute-by-minute account of the small group who held off thousands of Napoleon's soldiers and changed the course of history.
Buyer's Guide to New Zealand Wines, 2015 by Michael Cooper $39.99
Tell You What: Great New Zealand Non-Fiction edited by Susanna Andrew and Jolisa Gracewood $29.99
Eleanor Catton, Lara Strongman, Paul Ewen (Francis Plug), Steve Braunias, Elizabeth Knox, Tina Makereti, &c, & c, as well as a piece by P&B's Naomi Arnold about her mother.
Three Early Stories by J.D. Salinger $13.00
The first Salinger book for fifty years reaches back to stories written before The Catcher in the Rye.
Three Early Stories by J.D. Salinger $13.00
The first Salinger book for fifty years reaches back to stories written before The Catcher in the Rye.
Updated with new tasting notes and vintage ratings.
p53: The gene that cracked the cancer code by Sue Armstrong $37.00
All of us have lurking in our DNA a most remarkable gene, which has a crucial job - it protects us from cancer. Known simply as p53, this gene constantly scans our cells to ensure that they grow and divide without mishap, as part of the routine maintenance of our bodies. If a cell makes a mistake in copying its DNA during the process of division, p53 stops it in its tracks, summoning a repair team before allowing the cell to carry on dividing.
Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The story of Anonymous by Gabriella Coleman $39.99
Gabriella Coleman's history of Anonymous makes clear that almost all of the hacktivism attributed to this global collective has been devoted to exposing wrongdoing, not wreaking destruction, even as she also carefully shows that Anonymous is not a shadowy organization but a loosely knit collection of activists all over the globe, fighting for government and corporate transparency.
The Coming Swarm: DDOS actions, hacktivism and civil disobedience on the internet by Molly Sauter $35.00
This book examines the theory, practice, history, and ethics of civil disobedience on the internet.
The Revolutions by Felix Gilman $27.00
A fantasy of the occult scene in fin de siecle London, the celestial spheres, and mystical Martian exploration, following two young lovers separated by the schemes and blundering of rival occultists, from the drawing rooms of spiritualist societies, through shady enterprises in Deptford warehouses, and magical war on the Isle of Dogs, and out to a hallucinatory, doomed Mars drawn from the fantasies of Edgar Rice Burroughs and the imaginings of Aleister Crowley.
"Vivid and accurate prose, a gripping, imaginative story, a terrifically inventive setting, a hard-bitten, indestructible hero, and an intelligent, fully adult heroine - we haven't had a science-fiction novel like this for a long time." - Ursula K. Le Guin
Word & Image: Art, books and design from the National Art Library by Julius Bryant $60.00
From a fifteenth-century book of hours to William Morris's specimen pages for Jean Froissart's The Chronicles of Fraunce, Inglande, and Other Places Adjoynynge; from George Cruikshank's studies of Fagin for Oliver Twist to an Yves Saint Laurent design for the House of Dior; and from Bill Brandt's photographs to the Book of Nails by Floating Concrete Octopus.
Our Summer Newsletter (a.k.a. the Christmas catalogue) is now available from the shop, or tucked into the Saturday 22nd November issue of the Nelson Mail. A digital edition will be sent to our What We Are Reading newsletter subscribers.
We've chosen 140 books we think you'll love and we've written why. Use our catalogue to buy your seasonal gifts and to make a stack for your own enjoyment!
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